Our Printing House OZGraf awarded a price and honorable mentions for our best publishers for year 2012

During the publisher’s meeting in Lidzbark Warmiński were presented categories, nominations and the winners.
Below we present the list of the nominees and the winners.
Congratulations and we wish you continued success and fuitful cooperation with our house.

1. Category “Cooperation with OZGraf in year 2012” – nominees:

MULTICO Oficyna Wydawnicza Sp. z o.o.
WYDAWNICTWO Prószyń„ski Media Spół‚ka z o.o

The prize was awarded to WYDAWNICTWO Prószyń„ski Media Spółka z o.o.


2. Category “Good and demanding book in OZGraf typograher’s opinion in year 2012”- nominees:

Book tilte: „Nasz Podwodny Śšwiat”
Authors: Alicji i Janusza Dramińskich

Book title: „LUWR Arcydzieł‚a Malarstwa”
Author: Lawrence Gowing

WYDAWNICTWO BOSZ Szymanik i wspólnicy Spółka Jawna
Book title: „Tatry” z kolekcji Muzeum Tatrzańskiego
Authors: Teresy Jabł‚oń„skiej, Anny Liska , Stefana Sokoł‚owicza, Lecha Majewskiego

Book tilte: „Biblia dla dzieci”

The prize was awarded to WYDAWNICTWO ARKADY for the book „LUWR Arcydzieła Malarstwa” Lawrence Gowing.


3. Category “Children’s book year 2012”- nominees:

WYDAWNICTWO iKropka Alicji Wasilka-Krygier
Book title: „Bałagan”
text: Michał‚ Krygier, graphic design: Alicja Wasilka
Book title: „Czarostatki i parodzieje”
Author: Paweł Pawlak

Book title: „Mama bohatera”
Author: Roberto Malo i Francisco Javier Mateos, ilustracje; Marjorie Pourchet,
translation: Filip Łobodziń„ski
Book title: „Co tu jest grane”
Author: Anna Czerwiń„ska-Rydel, graphic desing: Katarzyna Bogucka
Book title: „Król i mgł‚a”
Authors: Marii Ewy Letki

The prize was awarded to WYDAWNICTWO BAJKA for the book „Król i mgł‚a” Marii Ewy Letki.


4. Category “The book with the value in year 2012′ – nominees:

WYDAWNICTWO Prószyń„ski Media Spółka z o.o
Book tilte: „Putin człowiek bez twarzy”
Author: Masha Gessen, tł‚umaczenie: Julia szajkowska, Magda Witkowska
Book title: „Książka wszystkich rzeczy”
Author: Guus Kuijer
Oficyna Wydawnicza RYTM Spółka z o.o.
Book title; „Pamięć II Polscy uchodźcy na Węgrzech 1939-1946”
Authors:: Krystyna i Grzegorz Łubczyk
WYDAWNICTWO Wydawnictwo Rosikon Press
Book title:„Świadkowie Tajemnicy”

The prize was awarded to WYDAWNICTWO DWIE SIOSTRY for the book „Książka wszystkich rzeczy” Guus Kuijer

5. Category “Event publishing in yera 2012” – nominees:

WYDAWNICTWO Dwie Siostry Spół‚ka z o.o.
Book title: „White Plate”
Author: Eliza Mórawska

„Encyklopedia Gdań„ska”

The prize was awarded to Pan CEZARY WINDORBSKI i FUNDACJA GDAŃSKA for „Encyklopedia Gdańska”.

The Printing house OZGraf is not working only on polish and european market, but also engages in promoting local projects. For the first time OZGraf decides to reward 3 local projects which are publishing and promoting books.

Special Reward OZGRAF 2012 for
Tomasz Żrutkowski
representing Publishing House EDYTOR „Wers”
For propagation in the interesting, innovatory and efffective way the historical knowlege about the region and for consequence and passion in publishing the Olsztyn’s calendar

Special Reward OZGRAF 2012 for
Children’s bookstore „Za Rogiem” and Studio Zabawy i Kreatywnego Rozwoju Dziecka in Olsztyn, leading by
Anna Zając i Dominika Radaszewska for leading the book buissnes in the innovatory and unique way and for promoting the good book among the children.

Special reward OZGRAF 2012 for
Wojciech Kujawski
representing Publishing House QMiKA
for skilfully combaining hobby and passion with the buissnes and also for consequence and passion in publishing the unique series of Warmia i Mazury guides.

The new plant in Kompap SA – the majority shareholder of OZGRAF S.A.

Ceremony of opening a new production plant took place at Kompap company yesterday on 22nd of January. The inaugural meeting was held with the participation of local authorities, Management of Kompap SA and Walki Group, and the senator Leszek Czarnobaj and the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Finland Gregory Brzostkowski.

The plant, under a long-term contract signed with the Finnish company Walki Group, will produce packaging for photocopying paper for International Paper Company. The new production plant have made over 30 new workplaces in the region. In November 2012 first production tests were carried out in Kwidzyn. The expected level of production was achieved already at the end of December.

Walki Group specializes in production of intelligent, multi-fiber based laminates for many market sectors, from energy-efficient insulation and membrane lining construction, up to barrier packaging. Group has production facilities in Finland, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Great Britain, Russia, China, and employs approximately 1,000 people. Annual net sales exceed 300 million Euros.

Changes in the Board OZGraf S.A.

On 28 December 2012 the Supervisory Board OZGraf SA received the statement of Mr. Piotr Dziadzio about the resignation as a Board Member in OZGraf SA on the date 31 December 2012.
The reason for this decision is to increase the responsibilities in the company PPH Kompap SA, which is the majority shareholder of OZGRAF SA, where Mr. Piotr Dziadzio serves as the Director of Production, arising from the new project as a new long-term contract with the company Walki Ekopak S.A.

Changes in the Board OZGraf S.A.

The Supervisory Board of OZGraf Olsztyn SA, acting on the basis of article 368 § 4 of the Commercial Companies Code and § 22. 3 point 1 of the Articles of the Company, dismissed Mr Mirosł‚aw Jachemek – director of production in OZGraf Olsztyn S.A., from the Management Board.

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012

This year’s International Book Fair in Frankfurt, which is among the largest worldwide, will be held from 10 to 14 October. As every year we will also take part in this printing event.
On 10-12 October you can find us in hall 5.0 at the Book Institute’s booth B947.

We invite all our regular and prospective customers who are willing to expand and strengthen or start cooperation with us.

Perfect printing and binding of the Roztocze album

We are more than happy to inform you that the Roztocze album with Wiesław Lipiec’s photography, published by Wydawnictwo Lipiec and printed and bound by OZGraf Olsztyńskie Zakłady Graficzne S.A., has been recognised as the Best Book of the Year 2011 and awarded Paweł Konrad’s Laurel in a competition organised by the Hieronim Łopaciński Provincial Public Library in Lublin in the category of Lublin Region – Album Publication.

In 100 pictures, the album presents the beautiful landscapes and nature of the Polish part of the Roztocze Upland. The author shows his works in the order of seasons. The images also feature Catholic and Uniate Orthodox churches and unique gravestones typical of the Eastern Roztocze.

The prizes were announced and awarded during the Sixth Lublin Book Fair on 15 June 2012.



Changes in the Board of Directors 2012-06-11

Following the expiration of the term of office of the former Board of Directors, on 5 June 2012 the Supervisory Board of OZGraf Olsztyń„skich Zakł‚adów Graficznych S.A. in Olsztyn passed resolution No. 12 to appoint a new Board of Directors, consisting of:

Piotr Ciosk – Prezes Zarzą…du
Mirosław Jachemek  – Director, Production Manager, Dyrektor ds. Produkcji
Piotr Dziadzio –  Director, Purchasing and Logistics Manager

Pan Pan Paweł Stefanowski, former Director and Finance Manager has been promoted and seconded to KOMPAP S.A., where he will monitor all the financial affairs of the KOMPAP S.A. Group
 „‘As the Board of Directors, we will continue our efforts to reorganise the company, which we started in the middle of the last year. In 2010 OZGraf S.A. recorded a loss of more than one million zlotys, whereas at the end of 2011 it earned more than 1.4m zlotys of profit for its shareholders. Already now we can see that the 2011 decisions and measures are yielding positive effects in 2012 as well.
My aim as the Chairman is to increase our company’s goodwill and competitiveness in the increasingly more difficult printing market. We would like to make further investments in our machinery and the professional development of our employees, who for many years have guaranteed the quality of our services, and enhance our in-house processes to further meet the expectations of our customers,’ says Piotr Ciosk, the new Chairman of the Board of Directors.


We have launched a new website. We are keen on using it to provide as much pertinent information to our existing and prospective customers as possible. Welcome!

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