1. Digital materials should be sent to Kodak Insite.
2. To create account on Kodak Insite server please contact: ozgraf@ozgraf.com.pl.
3. Files must be supplied in PDF format, version 1.3 or 1.4. ( the best PDF/X 1a:2001)
4. PDF files should be prepared according to 12647-2 ISO standards depending on sort of paper – ISOcoated or ISOuncoated. Profiles cannot be embedded in PDF file.
5. PDF files should:
a) contain trim boxes in net format b) be composed (not separated)
c) be after all completed text corrections
d) be generated in the same way for the particular production, to have identical margins and page format
e) contain all fonts, preferred postscripts fonts (embedded)
f) contain empty pages, if such are included in the particular production
6. PDF files should not:
a) contain information about screen angles b) be made for OPI server
c) contain “hairlines”
d) contain passer montage points and control scales
7. Resolution of pictures included in digital files should be between 220 and 300 dpi.
8. File name:
a) diacritic characters and special characters (*&^, etc)
b) should correspond with page numbers, according to scheme: 0001_0100 file name
c) corrected files need to sent according to the same scheme as above, but every page as a separated file. Corrected files should have the date or word describing another correction for example: correction 1, etc. In case there are more than 10% of corrected pages, all files need to be sent again.
9. All the graphic elements must be done in CMYK space. 4-colors work should be prepared in CMYK. They can not contain RGB elements “Lab, “Spot colors”(“Pantone”). Extra colors placed at work will be automatically converted to CMYK. Printing house is not responsible for color differences resulting from the conversion of color spaces other than CMYK and extra colors (PANTONE, HKS etc.) to CMYK space. Uploading incompatible files with color space customer agrees to perform the conversion and take responsibility for all of derogation color.
10. It is necessary to include information about additional colours e.g. Pantone in order. Panton colours should be compatible with Panton color card.
11. Black-white files should be prepared in ‘grayscale’ (this also applies to the files for UV varnishing, embossing and cutting die – files for embossing and cutting dies should be prepared as curves not bitmaps).
12. Text and black objects on colour bleed should have set an overprint. There cannot be set the overprint for white colour. The minimum size for letter printing in CMYK is 10 point. The minimum size for black letter printing in CMYK is 10 point.
13. Language versions:
a) neutral CMYK in PDF format must be supplied, text file as gray in PDF format must be supplied as separated file
b) both files (CMYK and text) must have identical format (size and margins)
c) text file must be transparent
14. If the order confirmation does not give any information about screenruling:
a) for machine coated paper shall be 175 lpi b) for offset paper shall be 150 lpi
15. To make the imposition more effective is necessary to supply information about spread pages and bleeds (5 mm should be added to each side of the page).
16. If the size of the files are different than in the order, files will be centered to the size included in order.
17. Before sending the materials to the printing house it is recommended to check them with
PitStop Proffesional program, which free version is available on www.enfocus.com
18. In case of complex production exemplary printouts should be supplied together with files.
19. When the plotter proofs are accepted by the client, the signature accepted and signed by the client or accept on Kodak Insite system becomes master material. Customer is obliged also to download files from a bookmark “ Dowlands” .There is the file with lines defining the spine, big, wings, and the final format.
20. Printed with UV varnish or foiled can change their color in relations to the certified proofs.
21. Prints from earlier production are not represent master material, they can be just use as a reference for printer.
22. Use this type of samples does not guarantee obtain the same colour of book. This follows from unknown way of previous production ex. different layout on printed sheet, using different kind of paper or ink.
23.The maximum value of inking:
– 300 % for machine coated paper
-270 % for offset paper
24. Delivery of files according to requirements guarantees the highest quality printing.
25. Please note that printing house is not obliged to check the delivered files. Printing only verifies the general correctness of submitted files – do not check them in detail and does not guarantee that all errors and irregularities are found. Files are not verified in terms of content. For the delivered files responsibility takes graphic who designed the job and add the files to print.